ECRI Report, ECRI Conclusions on the implementation of the recommendations in respect of FRANCE subject to interim follow-up, Adopted on 20 March 2013




ECRI Report, ECRI Conclusions on the implementation of the recommendations in respect of FRANCE subject to interim follow-up, Adopted on 20 March 2013

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Council of Europe body


ECRI | European Commission against Racism and Intolerance | Council of Europe

Main Thematic Focus

Racism & xenophobia Discrimination Hate speech

Target Population

Muslims Migrants Ethnic minorities People with migrant background Refugees & asylum seekers

Key findings

The French authorities have informed ECRI of improvements to PHAROS, a platform for receiving, processing and referring notifications of unlawful content on the Internet (including, since 2009, content concerning racism and antisemitism). PHAROS’s website, has been made more accessible and user friendly; it is now much easier to report to it about sites and material, including videos, containing incitement to racial hatred; and PHAROS’s staff has been increased by eight new investigators (five in 2011 and three in 2012).

ECRI also notes that the Central Office to Combat Offences linked to Information and Communication Technologies (OCLCTIC) has improved its cooperation with the providers’ association (AFA). This association has its own on-line contact point, to which hate speech on the Internet may be reported.The OCLCTIC informs regularly AFA of any investigation opened following its alerts of hate speech content on the Internet.

In the light of the above, ECRI finds that the authorities’ efforts have been satisfactory as concerns the monitoring of racist offences committed on the Internet and the
prosecution of those responsible.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

The working methods for the preparation of the reports involve documentary analyses, a visit to the country concerned, and then a confidential dialogue with the national authorities.

Sample details and representativeness

ECRI’s reports are analyses based on a great deal of information gathered from a wide variety of sources.

DISCLAIMERThe information presented here is collected under contract by the FRA's research network FRANET. The information and views contained do not necessarily reflect the views or the official position of the FRA.